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Sustainability at Orion

For Orion, it is important that responsibility and ethics are visible and tangible part of everything it does. Therefore, we don’t allow ourselves or our partners to take the easy way out, as we want to continuously improve our operations.

We promote sustainability throughout the life cycle of a medicine – from the product development of our medicines and other products to their use and eventual disposal.

Our activities have an impact on the environment and people around the world. That's why it's not enough for us to simply strive to improve our own operations. The sustainability of our value chain is equal to the sustainability of Orion, and together with our partners we are taking the pharmaceutical industry into a more sustainable direction. 

The journey of a medicine

We bear our responsibility for the entire journey of a medicine.

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    0. We discover a new or better way to treat an illness and its symptoms.

    • A new medicine helps in the treatment of an illness or its symptoms = improved quality of life
    • Drug development takes approx. 10–15 years – to ensure drug's efficacy and safety

    The development of generic drugs is much quicker.

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    1. The drug precursor is manufactured at a specialised chemical facility.

    We ensure that the pharmaceutical ingredients are of high quality and sustainably produced

    • close collaboration with suppliers
    • quality and sustainability assessments
    • reserve stock
    • mapping of alternative suppliers
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    2. The active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is made from the drug precursor.

    • Orion's subsidiary Fermion develops and manufactures active pharmaceutical ingredients for Orion's proprietary products and some generic drugs.
    • Some APIs we source from the best certified API manufacturers on the global markets.
    • Fermion also manufactures APIs for other pharmaceutical companies and is one of the leading manufacturers of several APIs globally.
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    3. API + excipients = medicine product.

    APIs are mixed with excipients that affect the

    • size of the medicine product
    • manufacturability
    • appearance
    • identifiability
    • the absorption of the API
    • ease of swallowing.

    Generic medicines are typically manufactured centrally, and we source some of them from suppliers to ensure a competitive price. Even then, the entire process is subject to our strict control.

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    4. The medicine is packaged first in an internal package and then the outer sales package.

    Internal package

    • protects the medicine
    • ensures shelf-life to the labelled expiry date

    Sales package

    • helps identify the product
    • provides information in a clear format
    • in local languages
    • traceable
    • suitable for automated systems.
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    5. A medicine batch is approved for sale.

    The final control by the quality assurance ensures that

    • the entire supply chain is appropriate
    • the medicine meets the agreed criteria and may be released for sale.
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    6. Wholesale distributors distribute the medicines.

    The reliable supply of medicines for consumers is guaranteed by

    • an extensive network of wholesale distributors
    • reserve stock
    • accurate demand forecasts
    • the flexibility of Orion's own production.
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    7. Customers obtain their medicines from pharmacies or hospital pharmacies.

    • Patients receive guidance on the proper use of medicines from their doctor or the pharmacy staff.
    • We invest heavily in regular training and guidance for healthcare professionals.
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    8. The medicine reaches the user.

    Only medicines that are taken are effective: it is important that the patient adhere to the medication and can trust the safety and availability of a drug.

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    9. Medicines are further developed based on user experience.

    • We closely monitor if there is a need to change the composition, instructions or dosage of a product.
    • We react immediately if there are reasons to recall a product.
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    Did you know?

    • The entire process is strictly controlled.
    • Each work step is documented.
    • The sustainability, efficacy, quality and safety of drugs is verified through laboratory tests and audits.
    • We also assure the sustainability of our suppliers' operations.