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Orion Research Foundation grants million euros for research in 2019

Orion Research Foundation sr Press release 1 November 2018 at 9.30 a.m.

Orion Research Foundation sr is distributing EUR 1,004,800 in research grants based on applications for 2019. Orion Reaserch Foundation awards grants of max EUR 50,000 for 16 researchers for postdoctoral research and max EUR 5,000 for 65 young researchers for doctoral dissertation work.

Orion Research Foundation sr is annually distributing its return on investment and donations from Orion Corporation as grants for young researchers for doctoral dissertation work and postdoctoral research. In the last few years the Research Foundation has been distributing annual grants based on applications for the total sum of MEUR 1 for research in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and related sciences, such as chemistry and physics.

Grants for postdoctoral research, EUR 15,000 - 50,000

Ahola-Olli Ari Ville, Lääketieteen tohtori, Helsingin yliopisto, FIMM, Genomics of severe mental and neurodevelopmental disorders, 50.000 €

Ekblad Mikael Oskari, LT, erikoistuva lääkäri, Turun yliopisto, The effects of prenatal smoking exposure on child's epigenetic signatures and later behavior problems: A genetically informed approach, 50.000 €

Kuosmanen Suvi Marjaana, FT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Heart Failure Treatment and Diagnostics - Novel Target Molecules, 50.000 €

Kärkkäinen Jussi Mikael, Lääketieteen tohtori, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Kuopion kampus, New Techniques and Challenges in the Management of Complex Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Mesenteric Vascular Disease / Uudet tekniikat ja haasteet vatsa-aorttapullistumien sekä suoliston verenkiertohäiriöiden hoidossa, 15.000 €

Laurila Pirkka-Pekka, LKT, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Systems Genetics of Aging in Cardiometabolic Disease, 50.000 €

Leinonen Henri, Farmasian tohtori, University of California Irvine, Verkkokalvorappeumatautien ehkäisy vanhojen lääkkeiden uusiokäytöllä, 50.000 €

Merisaari Harri Antero, tutkija, Mallincrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, Quantification of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in patients and healthy subjects: Improved diseases characterization, and optimized brain imaging, 50.000 €

Mäkitie Riikka, Lääketieteen lisensiaatti, Helsingin yliopisto, PLS3 in monogenic osteoporosis; skeletal and extra-skeletal characteristics, and treatment response in Pls3 mouse model/PLS3 monogeenisessa osteoporoosissa; luuston ja luuston ulkopuolisten kudosten piirteet ja täsmälääkkeiden tehokkuus Pls3 hiirimallissa, 35.000 €

Nykopp Timo Kimmo, LT, Urologian Erikoislääkäri, Itä-Suomen yliopisto Kuopion kampus, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Prostate Centre, A systems biology approach to define mechanisms of resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in bladder cancer, 50.000 €

Ollikainen Eliisa, Lääketieteen lisensiaatti (väitellyt), Helsingin yliopisto, Kalsifikaation vaikutus aivovaltimoaneurysman seinämän heikkenemiseen, 25.000 €

Pantsar Tatu Pekka Elias, Farmasian tohtori, University Hospital Tübingen, Conformational Shift Inducers (CSI): An atomistic level investigation of Aurora kinase A (AurkA)-MYC interaction and its distortion by CSI compounds, 50.000 €

Rissanen Ina Lilian, Lääketieteen tohtori, University Medical Center Utrecht, Julius Center, Department of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Elinikäiset riskitekijät työikäisten aivoverenkiertohäiriölle - Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortti 1966, 50.000 €

Sammallahti Sara Minerva, LT, PsM, Helsingin yliopisto, Prenatal exposure to maternal stress and fetal growth as predictors of neurodevelopment, 50.000 €

Toivonen Laura Johanna, LT, erikoistuva lääkäri, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, The Nasal Microbiota, Metabolome, and Risk of Respiratory Infections and Asthma in Children: A Multiomic Study, 50.000 €

Tuppurainen Laura, LT, FM, Itä-Suomen yliopisto Kuopion kampus, Molekyylilääketieteen mahdollisuudet syövän hoidossa / Potential of molecular medicine in cancer therapy, 25.000 €

Tuulari Jetro Jyrki, LT, Turun yliopisto, Brain states, modes and computational models: linking state-of-the art connectome models to neurotransmitters systems and brain development, 35.000 €

16 suurta apurahaa, 685.000 euroa.

Orion Reaserch Foundation awards grants of max EUR 50,000 for 16 researchers for postdoctoral research. These grants are in total EUR 685,000.

Grants for doctoral dissertation work, EUR 2,000 - 5,000 euroa
In addition, Orion Research Foundation has awarded EUR 2,000 - 5,000 for 65 researchers for doctoral dissertation work. These grants are in total EUR 319,800.

Orion Research Foundation sr

For further information:

Risto Renkonen  

Chairman of the Board, Orion Research Foundation sr
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki
Tel: +358 (0)40 553 5219

Anu Imppola
Manager, Orion Research Foundation sr
Tel: +358 (0)10 426 3803

Orion Research Foundation sr