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Orion Research Foundation grants 902 000 euros for research in 2020

Orion Research Foundation grants 902 000 euros for research in 2020

Orion Research Foundation sr  Press release   4 November 2019

Orion Research Foundation sr is distributing EUR 902 000 in research grants based on applications for 2020. Orion Reaserch Foundation awards grants of max EUR 50,000 for 16 researchers for postdoctoral research and max EUR 5,000 for 65 young researchers for doctoral dissertation work.

Orion Research Foundation sr is annually distributing its return on investment and donations from Orion Corporation as grants for young researchers for doctoral dissertation work and postdoctoral research. In the last few years the Research Foundation has been distributing annual grants based on applications for the total sum of MEUR 1 for research in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and related sciences, such as chemistry and physics.

Grants for postdoctoral research, EUR 35,000 – 50,000

del Amo Paez Eva Maria, Pharmacist, Itä-Suomen yliopisto Kuopion kampus, Innovative application of modelling and simulation in the therapeutic area of Age-related Macular Degeneration, 37.500 €

Gautam Prson, Post-doctoral researcher, Helsingin yliopisto, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), Drug screening and molecular profiling identifies INKA1 as a predictive biomarker for sensitivity to MAPK inhibition-antimitotic combination treatment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, 35.000 €

Kallioniemi Elisa Anne Maria, Filosofian tohtori, diplomi-insinööri, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Neurophysiological biomarkers for psychosis / Psykoosin neurofysiologiset biomarkkerit, 37.500 €

Kapucu Fikret Emre, DSc. (in Technology), Tampereen yliopisto, Synuclein-on-Chip Model (SoCM): An Early Proteotoxicity Screening Model of Prion-like Propagation in Alpha-synuclein Related Neurodegeneration, 35.000 €

Kohtala Samuel, Farmasian tohtori, proviisori, Helsingin yliopisto, Shared neurobiological mechanisms of novel rapid-acting antidepressants, 42.500 €

Lajunen Tatu Eero Anton, Farmasian Tohtori, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Valoaktivoitavat lääkkeenkantajat kontrolloituun lääkkeenvapautukseen: in vivo tutkimukset, 30.000 €

Miroshnikova Yekaterina, Biomedical Engineer, Helsingin yliopisto, Heterochromatin-driven mechanical stress response and adaptation at the nuclear-cytoskeletal interface, 35.000 €

Niskanen Henri Markus Tapio, FT, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Molecular dissection of intrinsically disordered regions in transcription factors, 50.000 €

Paloniemi Minna, Lääketieteen tohtori, Fimlab laboratoriot oy, Understanding virus persistence; focus on RNA viruses causing hemorrhagic fever in humans, 37.500 €

Pan Emily, lääketieteen tohtori, Turun yliopisto, Early-onset dysregulation of PRDM16-mediated vascular homeostasis resulting in aortic aneurysms - PaRaDigM-Sixteen, 35.000 €

Sarkanen Tomi Olavi, LT, Tampereen yliopistollinen keskussairaala, Patient reported outcome measures, quality of life, and functioning in pediatric and adult narcolepsy, 35.000 €

Sihvonen Aleksi Johannes, LT, Helsingin yliopisto, Neurologia, Afasian kuntoutumisen ennustaminen ja tehostaminen, 45.000 €

Snellman Anniina Elena, LT, Turun yliopisto, Valtakunnallinen PET-keskus, Aivojen varhaisen beeta-amyloidikertymän ja neuroinflammaation kuvantaminen, sekä yhteys verestä määritettävien hermosolujen rappeutumisesta kertovien uusien biomarkkereiden pitoisuuksiin terveillä Alzheimerin taudin APOE ?4-riskigeenin kantajilla, 42.500 €

Solje Eino Konsta Viljami, Lääketieteen tohtori, Itä-Suomen yliopisto Kuopion kampus, Kiininen lääketiede - Neurologia, Transcranial magnetic stimulation in diagnostics of dementing diseases, 37.500 €

Vakkilainen Svetlana, LT, lastentautien erikoislääkäri, lasten tartuntatautien erikoislääkäri, Helsingin yliopisto, Immuunipuutoksen mekanismit rusto-hiushypoplasiassa, 42.500 €

Väyrynen Sara Annikki, Lääketieteen tohtori, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Haimasyövän tulehdussolujen ja tulehdusvälittäjäaineiden monimuotoinen verkosto. Characterization of the complex network of immune cells and immunoregulatory molecules in pancreatic cancer, 42.500 €

Orion Reaserch Foundation awards grants of max EUR 50,000 for 16 researchers for postdoctoral research. These grants are in total EUR 620,000.

Grants for doctoral dissertation work, EUR 3,000 – 5,000 euroa
In addition, Orion Research Foundation has awarded EUR 3,000 - 5,000 for 65 researchers for doctoral dissertation work. These grants are in total EUR 282,000.

Orion Research Foundation sr

For further information:


Risto Renkonen
Chairman of the Board, Orion Research Foundation sr
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki
Tel: +358 (0)40 553 5219

Anu Imppola
Manager, Orion Research Foundation sr
Tel: +358 (0)10 426 3803

Orion Research Foundation sr
